Thursday, May 13, 2010


Electricity is a basic feature of all matter, of everything in the universe. Electrical force holds atoms and molecules together. Electricity determines the structure of every object that exists. Together with magnetism, it causes a force called electromagnetism, a fundamental force of the universe.

Electricity or electrical signals are essential to many biological processes. In our bodies, electrical signals are carried through the nervous system, moving information to and from the brain. Electrical signals communicate to our brain what the eyes see, what the ears hear, and what the fingers feel. Electrical signals from our brain causes our muscle movements. Electrical signals cause each heartbeat.

One of the most important forms of electricity is in electrical current. During the industrial revolution of the 1800s, people began to find ways to use electricity to do work. Today electricity is used throughout our homes, at work, in communication, in transportation, and in medicine and science. Electrically powered devices are prevalent. Relatively cheap electricity has made electrical appliances, machines, and other devices possible.

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