Thursday, May 20, 2010

Giant Sea Snake Renewable Electricity Generation

Giant rubber snake could be the future of wave power.
They pulse through the universe, organize nothing into space and time, leave the shimmering trail of worlds we call Reality – just the foam of their passing. These waves are echoes of the Big Bang of consciousness, the Absolute Creator saying I am and willing … everything. Don’t ask why, don’t asked how. Only one thing is clear: Something is happening.

Your life is a wave. Fate put you on it, and you can’t get off. All you can do is witness, enjoy, appreciate, understand, and (as them surfers say) surf your brains loose. Also, understanding waves informs the experience. Hence these pages.

A silent but informative introduction to how wave power works. The power in our seas is vast – and wave power is at an innovative stage. According to government and industry figures, wave and tidal power combined could meet 12.5 per cent of today’s electricity demand – economically and practically – by 2025.It’s an opportunity we can’t afford to let slip.

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